Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Album: Rocket Ride by Edguy

When it comes to modern Euro Power Metal, Edguy is one of my choice favorite bands; just a nostalgia thing I suppose, but nonetheless I enjoy them quite a bit. Almost completely abandoning his majestic fantasy Power Metal roots here, Tobias spins the wheel of his mariner and heads for new horizons, this time going for a very hard rock oriented sound without any real bells or whistles at all, and only a few nuances of the old style left behind; whispers of a nearly forgotten past.

On this album, Edguy goes back from their power metal hymns and almost does a completely hard rock album. Annoying kitsch glam rock like “Rocket ride”, Bon Jovi ballads like “Save me” or disco rock with keyboard experiments like “Matrix” or “wimps and poser” hard rock stuff like “Fucking with fire” dominate this album. This last song is a very cool party rocker and quite catchy while the keyboard dominated “Out of vogue” has a very addicting chorus and “Wasted time” very emotional lyrics and chorals as well as a catchy chorus.

The band shows us though that they can still write excellent metal hymns like the amazing opener “Sacrifice”. This song is modern rock opera shortened to eight minutes and is very emotional. Tobias Sammet does an extraordinary job on the vocals, the dominating piano fits perfectly to the song, and the solos are filled with passion and energy. Of course, you have another funny song on this album. “Trinidad” is a mixture of an exotically seventy’s pop song, Caribbean folk music and eighty’s glam rock. Brain off, party on could be the slogan of this hilarious song and while serious and closed minded metal heads will criticize this song, Edguy fans will probably enjoy this experiment and album closer that is followed by the bonus track and poser rock hymn “Fucking with fire” that goes into the same direction.

Although Sammet himself stresses the lack of overall story with the album – the track order was changed many, many times – I can’t help but imagine my own journey with the music; perhaps a fortunate side-effect of Sammet’s evocative writing. Yet, as insisted, the tracks are stand-alone entities that simply gel well in this arrangement. As we enter the age of mp3s and less call for strict CD-order playing, you have to admire the fact that, played in any order – be it on your desktop or mp3 player – each and every song stands up for itself.

The vocals on this album are also outstanding. Tobias Sammet has a great power metal voice with a lot of range and more importantly he knows how to use it. He knows when to be subtle and when to wail. Edguy is also a band that has a sense of humor and aren't afraid to inject it into their music. It's refreshing in a genre where a lot of people take themselves way too seriously.

Overall: 4.2/5 - Edguy are a band you can always journey with. Stick the CD on as you set off on a long coach or train journey, and you will ride with Edguy all the way. You don’t need to focus hard or listen intently – you can relax in the knowledge that whatever you are feeling as you travel on the Rocket Ride, Edguy are there to entertain you along the way.

buy it here

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