Thursday, 9 May 2013

Interlude quick thoughts

Interlude makes no attempt to hide that it is well an interlude, a bit of extra content tied together to ride the back of the success of the last album. Its a money spinner but Delain seem like very nice people and metal record companies can struggle a bit, so its fine in my books. The album considers of 5 new tracks, some of which are covers, a couple of remixes and some live versions. Being short of the money in question and already owning the other albums I only downloaded the new tracks which I will review here:

Breathe on me
   Very much continuing the feel of the last album Breath on me also maintains the quality. A slight pop feel but Dutch metal from my experience has this upbeat vibe and  Delain have used it before to effect. Held together by a strong backing rift and Charlotte's voice throughout with light guitar this song isn't revolutionary but its done well it I really like it.   9.5/10

Collars and Suits 
  Slightly heavier than Breath on me collars and Suits has a more gothic feel as also featured in the last album. The piano work is an effective edition. A good song. 8/10

Such a shame
  Such a Shame is a lighter song, in fact you probably would call it rock not metal. That's not a criticism! The track makes use of various sounds giving it variety and flare that worked well on We are the Others album. Once again not much to fault. 8.5/10

I've been waiting a long time for this cover to be released on an album having heard various live and radio versions. Its a fantastic song, acoustic in sound it lets Charlotte shine. Delain do a good job with rocky/popy songs but Charlotte's voice can also enchantingly cover all the way up to full blown classical and I do feel this is underused sometimes. Cordell is a great song as it makes use of her expressive rock vocals and also sees more use of the choral sound as heard in Lucidity 10/10

Small time boy
Another cover Small time boy is my least favourite of the tracks, its not that it's a bad cover its just it seemed a bit unnecessary. Its the standard metal cover really, just make it a bit heavier. There's no let down from the vocals or the music I just felt it wasn't a massive difference on the original and there's much more interesting covers they could have done. This isn't a proper album though and Delain might just have liked this song and wanted to cover it, all power to them for that as they are welcome to do that.  7/10

Overall Interlude's new tracks follow on in quality and feel of the last album, its worth a listen especially as it has 5 new tracks. The snippets of the other tracks I've heard haven't massively impressed me but they are just reworked content. It will be interesting to see where Delain go next, if they stay vibrant and creative, and they have done so far, considering the talent and dedication they have, surely it will be good?

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